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Algortima Shortest Seek Time First

 Algoritma Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF)

untuk penjadwlan Disk 

dalam bahasa phyton, :

 idenya adalah mencari posisi yang terdekat dari head. (titik awal ) ke proses proses selanjutnya.

Keuntungan dan kerugian dalam algoritma ini adalah 

Advantages of Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) –

  1. Better performance than FCFS scheduling algorithm.
  2. It provides better throughput.
  3. This algorithm is used in Batch Processing system where throughput is more important.
  4. It has less average response and waiting time.

Disadvantages of Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) –

  1. Starvation is possible for some requests as it favours easy to reach request and ignores the far away processes.
  2. Their is lack of predictability because of high variance of response time.
  3. Switching direction slows things down.
Program dalam phyton 

# Python3 program for implementation of  
# SSTF disk scheduling  
# Calculates difference of each  
# track number with the head position 
def calculateDifference(queue, head, diff): 
    for i in range(len(diff)): 
        diff[i][0] = abs(queue[i] - head)  
# find unaccessed track which is  
# at minimum distance from head  
def findMin(diff):  
    index = -1
    minimum = 999999999
    for i in range(len(diff)): 
        if (not diff[i][1] and 
                minimum > diff[i][0]): 
            minimum = diff[i][0] 
            index = i 
    return index  
def shortestSeekTimeFirst(request, head):              
        if (len(request) == 0):  
        l = len(request)  
        diff = [0] * l 
        # initialize array  
        for i in range(l): 
            diff[i] = [0, 0] 
        # count total number of seek operation      
        seek_count = 0
        # stores sequence in which disk  
        # access is done  
        seek_sequence = [0] * (l + 1)  
        for i in range(l):  
            seek_sequence[i] = head  
            calculateDifference(request, head, diff)  
            index = findMin(diff)  
            diff[index][1] = True
            # increase the total count  
            seek_count += diff[index][0]  
            # accessed track is now new head  
            head = request[index]  
        # for last accessed track  
        seek_sequence[len(seek_sequence) - 1] = head  
        print("Total number of seek operations =",  
        print("Seek Sequence is/ /Urutan Proses nya : ")  
        # print the sequence  
        for i in range(l + 1): 
# Driver code  
if __name__ =="__main__": 
    # request array  
    proc = [176, 79, 34, 60,  
            92, 11, 41, 114] 
    print("Data awal adalah ", proc)
    print("Titik Awal di posisi 50 ")
    print("   ")
    shortestSeekTimeFirst(proc, 50) 
# This code is contributed by 
# Shubham Singh(SHUBHAMSINGH10) 
# Modified by andrew @2020

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